Discover a simple planning habit that will help you feel in control

  • Reduce reactive working

    Learn how to do less reactive work - the new requests that come in all the time.

  • Do more planned work

    Spend more time doing the work you had actually planned to do.

Get back a feeling of control

The speed and volume of modern work is increasing all the time. It means that most of us have too much to do. It's very common to feel that you're not in control, and to worry about letting people down. There are simple things that can help. One of the most helpful things you can do to reduce your reactivity, find the right things to focus on and work smarter is to PLAN YOUR WORK.

What's included

There are several ways to access the material

  • Detailed step by step instructions

  • Explanatory guides

  • Downloadable pdf

Course curriculum

    1. Get Better at Planning Your Work

    2. Learn How to Plan Better - Start Here

About this course

  • £7.99
  • 2 lessons
  • quick and easy techniques


  • Include questions a potential student may have before purchase.

    Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.

  • Include questions a potential student may have before purchase.

    Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.

  • Include questions a potential student may have before purchase.

    Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.

Enrol Here

Discover you always have more power than you think, start Get Better at Planning Your Work now.

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